A Lesson from Jelly Fish: Adaptability, Flow and Resilience
Yesterday, I posted a fact about Jelly Fish- they don’t chase the tide; they let the ocean carry them.
To me, Jelly Fish are some of the most beautiful, elegant and sophisticated creatures on the planet. Have you ever watched them? It’s like they are in slow motion. Their movements are so graceful- it’s mesmerizing. One thing I always notice, is they never look stressed. They never look like they are forcing their way through the water. I’ve had many opportunities to watch these creatures in the ocean and ever single time, I can’t help but stare. They go with the flow of the ocean. They don’t fight the current, they don’t chase the tides- they just flow.
What if we took a lesson from Jelly Fish? What if we stopped fighting and forcing our way through life?
I believe that everyone goes through seasons. There is not a single person on this planet that has a straight shot through life without struggle. Not a single one. Not even Jesus Christ himself.
When we allow these seasons to flow in and out of our life without force, without stress, without struggle…you are able to reach a level of living that not many people reach in their lifetime. We are going to have good times, bad times, sad times, happy times- in the Bible, there’s a verse that I repeat at least once a day- “And this too shall pass.” No matter what season of life you are in- you need to just go through it. It’s so easy to stick to that notion when you feel like you’re on top of the world. However, I am specifically talking about our time of struggle.
When you give yourself permission to be okay with the struggle knowing that this too shall pass - it becomes this beautiful thing. Even in the worst storms, the jelly fish don’t struggle. They quite literally just go through the storm. Life is such a beautiful thing, no matter what season you are in, no matter what you are going through. When you wake up determined that you’ll find the beauty in life, no matter what is thrown your way, it changes your life. You need to learn to adjust when needed, be unshakable in your dreams and be okay when things don’t go according to plan.
Allow yourself to feel the emotions, allow yourself to go through the challenges…but also allow yourself to realize that it’s apart of the journey- apart of your journey. One day, everything that you are going through, have gone through and will go through will make sense. You will look back at your life and you’ll appreciate what built you. However, the only catch is, that no matter what, you cannot give up. Throw a tantrum, cry, hit the punching bag till your hands are numb but do not, under any circumstances allow yourself to give up.
You need to trust your journey. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I am also a firm believer that blessings are on their way to my family and I that I can’t even imagine. Every day, no matter what I am going through, I wake up with a grateful heart and open to whatever comes at me because I know that it will all be ok.
The moment I let go, the moment I gave out my life in God’s hands is the moment my entire life changed. I fully trust the process. I am like a jelly fish riding the waves- I gave up my resistance and I started trusting my journey.
Life is beautiful my friend. Don’t waste it by living in stress by forcing your way through.
Sometimes, life works best when you stop resisting and start trusting the journey.