Starting Every Morning with Discipline and Purpose
Every day you have a brand new opportunity to create the life you desire. From the moment you wake up, to the moment you fall asleep- you are met with countless opportunities/choices throughout the day that will either, (A) leave you stagnant, (B) will actually push you backwards or (C) will excel you forward.
When you are on the path to create the life you desire, you need to make choices based on if you had everything you desired right in that moment. You need to make it a point to really shape your day-to-day according to your future self. I know it sounds absolutely crazy but trust me, this stuff works. When you start living up to your potential, you’ll see more opportunities and more chances to excel your life forward and then one day, you’ll wake up realizing you are in the midst of everything you’ve once desired and you are living your best life!
The moment you open your eyes, you need to take a few minutes and just breathe. Envision all the blessings that are coming you way. Envision taking those steps towards your desired life. You need to wake up with a fire of determination- because if you don’t- you’re at a risk to remain stagnant. What’s your dream? What do you desire? Throughout the day, keep reminding yourself of your why. And FYI- your “why” has to be able to overcome any obstacle that is thrown at you. You need to decided that you’re doing this.
The moment you decide that something is going to happen- things change. You go after things with vengance, you take more pride in your lifestyle. No matter what it is you desire, you need to decide that it’s going to happen. No matter where you are on your timeline, you need to go for it, whether it can happen tomorrow, next week, next year or even if it’s a five year plan- just go for it.
The moment you make that decision, you need to keep that discipline and purpose within you. You need to always have it at your fingertips for whenever things get tough, because they will, you need to have that commitment to push through.
Every day when you wake up, envision the dream. Envision the life. And decide that you are going to take steps today that will excel you in that direction.