You vs. You
Have you ever judged yourself based on how someone else was doing? Have you ever felt inferior to someone? Have you ever looked at someone’s social media and desperately wished that it was your feed?
Let me tell you something….
You are wasting your time. You’re wasting your life. And you are giving your joy and peace the heave-ho. As humans, we are pretty simple creatures. We are either thankful or jealous. We either live a life of gratitude or we live a life of negativity. We see the glass half full or we see the glass half empty. It’s very difficult to have both emotions going at the same time. You need to live a life without judgement towards yourself. We are our worst enemy. We rip ourselves to pieces and we refuse to celebrate the tiniest of wins. In today’s world, it’s so easy to get caught up in the comparison game. It’s so easy to live in discontentment because we aren’t on the same level as someone else.
Why are you comparing your journey to anyone else’s?
Did you know, between the billions of people exist today, to the billions of people who walked this planet before us, to the billions of people who will exist after us…not one of us share the same fingerprint? You are the only you that exists, that has ever existed and that will ever exist! So why are you beating yourself up when your life isn’t a copy and paste of someone else’s? You need to follow your heart, do what makes you happy and stop comparing yourself to others.
I have seen so many people who had so much going for them but they were too focused on what they didn’t have, they were too focused on what Betty B. was doing down the street that they missed out on living the best life they possibly could’ve been living. They were too busy trying to fit in and live a life that wasn’t meant for them. It’s such a waste of time, energy and life to try to be someone you’re not and to always be in the comparison game. No two lives will ever look the same. You are uniquely you and you need to live your life the way you want to live it. What makes you happy? What revs your engine?
The only comparison you should ever partake in is the one with who you were last year, last month, last week and even who you were yesterday. Everyday you should strive to be just a little bit better than you were the day before. Take those steps in pursing your desires. Take those leaps in going after your dreams. Stop trying to figure out where you should be via someone else’s timeline. You deserve happiness. When you start realizing the journey is just as good as the destination, the game will change. You need to have peace at where you are right this second while being excited as to where you are going. I mean, let’s be honest with ourselves…without the crazy unknown journey, we’d never have an epic story to share.
Next time you decide to compare yourself to someone else, I don’t care who it is, stop. Instead, take a moment to see how far you’ve come to where you were. Pull up those analytics. Pull up those starting fitness photos. Pull up that calendar with all the checks marks. Go take a look at the burnt spot in your kitchen where you accidentally set a cup of noodles on fire. Compare you then vs. you today. If you don’t see much progress, don’t spiral. Instead, take a step back, realize how much effort you’ve actually been putting in and make adjustments where needed but never compare your journey, in any aspect of your life, with anyone else’s.
The universe has this really funny way of showing up when we least expect it. It likes to keep us on our toes, test our faith and patience. Stop doubting yourself. If you’re doing the work, you have to trust the process. You have to believe in yourself even if you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Just believe. Your story is just beginning. Your story is going to be so unique.
It’s you vs. you. Keep going.